Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of November

Well here we are at the end of November. When I was younger, time couldn't pass fast enough and now that I want to sit back, relax, and enjoy it all, time is just flying by. I can't believe it is near the end of another year.

It's been a pretty fantabulous, in the words of grandpa K, year for our family. We have had some big changes, small changes, good times, bad times, and reminders why sometimes, no matter the consequence, it is right to stay real and true to what you believe. I sure learned that this year, and I wouldn't change a thing!

The girls are the girls. Amaya and Ariana are still enjoying school, Ariana more I think. She had her very first school concert last night. She was so excited and proud. She was even front row so her sisters and I had a great view. Dad, unfortunately, was working late last night :( Amaya is growing so fast, both physically and mentally. She has always been that way, but it is really starting to show. Her grades are absolutely fantastic. Another few years (maybe less) she will be taller than me. Of course, that doesn't really take much!!

Hayden is potty-trained....YAY! It took her a while to come around, but once we decided to just send her to daycare in her "nunnerware" as she calls them, well, I guess that was all she was waiting for. Those days of diapers are FINALLY behind us! She is really growing so much too. She is so curious and needs to know everything that is going on. If we leave a room it's, "where are you going?" to which we are now just replying "crazy." She then replies with "can I come?" You sure can honey...bring everyone along!!

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