Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Aunt Julie

The Kornbaums suffered another great loss Monday morning. My aunt Julie lost her 2 1/2 year battle with cancer. I know all too well the pain, confusion, and anger associated with losing a parent, and my heart goes out to all of her children and the rest of the family. Julie was such an amazing woman. She certainly had to be in order to raise ten wonderful children! As I once told her, some of my favorite childhood memories are the get-togethers with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa.

While I know that she is no longer in pain and has taken her place next to my dad and grandpa, it is still difficult to deal with. First, it is hard to lose a family member or someone close to you. Second, I wish I could just grab grandma K right now and give her the biggest hug (I will when I see her of course). She is so couragous and strong, but I know that she must be in a lot of pain right now. She has lost so many close to her and my prayers are with her just as much as the rest of the family. I could never imagine losing Luke or one of the girls, let alone two of my girls. It also brings back so many memories of my dad. That may sound selfish in a way, but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, and now my thoughts and memories just seem to be intensified. It is very hard not to be angry with God at times, and reminding myself that there is a greater purpose seems to help me.

After receiving a worried call from Rich last night, I called my mom and talked to her. While we may not have said a whole lot, we certainly took our turns crying and saying out loud how sad and hurt we were. It really hit me after I got off the phone with her. As it is very true for me, I didn't realize how hard it still is on my mom as well, and I feel so terrible for not realizing that until now.

So to all of my Kornbaum family, our thoughts, love and our prayers are with you all during this difficult time.